Role of the Physiotherapist in the Treatment of Dyspnoea


  • M. Beaumont EA3878 (GETBO), CHU Brest
  • C. Le Ber Service de réhabilitation respiratoire, CH des Pays de Morlaix, Centre hospitalier des pays de Morlaix, service de réhabilitation respiratoire, EA3878 (GETBO), CHU Brest, Kersaint Gilly



Energy deficit, Infections, Nutrition, Intensive care, Staphylococcus aureus, Body cell mass


Dyspnoea is the most frequent complaint in respiratory diseases. During clinical care, the physiotherapist is often in front of a dyspneic patient.

So the physiotherapist has an important place in care of the dyspneic patients, first time for the evaluation, and then for the treatment. He is also a major interlocutor in a multidisciplinary staff.

This article aims to show evaluation tools of the dyspnoea which allow to cover the various domains of the dyspnoea, and then the different physiotherapy’s methods which allow to decrease it.



How to Cite

Beaumont, M., & Le Ber, C. (2016). Role of the Physiotherapist in the Treatment of Dyspnoea. Médecine Intensive Réanimation, 26(1), 21–30.