What are the ethical benchmarks when patient’s entourage refuses the decision to withdraw life supporting treatments?


  • Robin Cremer
  • Stéphane Zygart Réanimation pédiatrique et Espace éthique régional des Hauts de France. CHU de Lille, 2 Rue du Professeur Laguesse, 59037, Lille, France




Treatments withholding, third-party consent, intensive care unit, treatment refusal, professional-family relations, Family conflicts, medical futility, terminal care, death, ethics


The Lille University Hospital’s Ethics Committee was asked about a case of family opposition to the decision to withdraw life supporting treatments taken by caregivers in an intensive care unit. The text drafted in response to this referral consists off a legal and ethical analysis of this situation. It also provides theoretical insight into the distinction between rational and reasonable and about natural death that may be useful in similar situations.




How to Cite

Cremer, R., & Zygart, S. (2023). What are the ethical benchmarks when patient’s entourage refuses the decision to withdraw life supporting treatments?. Médecine Intensive Réanimation, 33(Hors-série 1), 33–40. https://doi.org/10.37051/mir-00178

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