Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Non Alcoholic Steato-Hepatitis are Multisystemic Diseases: Review for Intensivists


  • M. Hachemi Service d’anesthésie réanimation chirurgicale, centre hospitalier Fleyriat
  • S. Benmakhlouf Département d’hépatogastroentérologie et maladies du foie, hôpital de la Croix-Rousse, hospices civils de Lyon
  • P. Prost Service d’hépatogastroentérologie, centre hospitalier Fleyriat
  • N. Santolaria Service de pharmacie, centre hospitalier Fleyriat
  • X. Tchenio Service de réanimation polyvalente, centre hospitalier Fleyriat
  • N. Sedillot Service de réanimation polyvalente, centre hospitalier Fleyriat
  • F. Zoulim Département d’hépatogastroentérologie et maladies du foie, hôpital de la Croix-Rousse, hospices civils de Lyon



Diaphragmatic dysfunction, Inspiratory muscle training, Mechanical ventilation, Physiotherapy, Weaning


NAFLD and NASH are multisystemic disease linked to metabolic syndrom, insulin resistance and obesity. Cardiovascular abnormalities are common in NAFLD and are the principal cause of mortality in the disease, follow by neoplasia and liver complications. The biopharmaceutical research is developping new target in NASH with the aim of reversion NASH without worsening fibrosis. NAFLD is the most common cause of chronic liver disease in Western countries and should be the first indication for liver transplantation in near years in USA. NAFLD presents as such a major interest for the physician intensivist.



How to Cite

Hachemi, M., Benmakhlouf, S., Prost, P., Santolaria, N., Tchenio, X., Sedillot, N., & Zoulim, F. (2016). Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Non Alcoholic Steato-Hepatitis are Multisystemic Diseases: Review for Intensivists. Médecine Intensive Réanimation, 26(1), 63–74.