Nurse’s role in the prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia


  • C. Bostoen CHRU de Lille
  • C. Wemel CHRU de Lille
  • F. Delannoy CHRU de Lille
  • K. Pottiez CHRU de Lille
  • F. Kerkhove CHRU de Lille
  • S. Tremblay CHRU de Lille
  • S. Ponthieux CHRU de Lille
  • S. Dufresne CHRU de Lille
  • F. Plutôt CHRU de Lille
  • A. Couvillers CHRU de Lille
  • S. Drode CHRU de Lille
  • E. Parmentier-Decrucq CHRU de Lille



Kidney, Hemodynamic, Septic shock, Mean arterial pressure


Ventilator-associated pneumonia is a major infectious complication in the intensive care unit due to its consequent elevatedmorbidity, mortality and costs. Its prevention is important and preventive interventions are now better known. Several among these preventive actions mainly depend on nurses, like oral hygiene, enteral feeding, check of tracheal cuff pressure, subglottic secretion drainage, sedation and neuromuscular-blocker use, patient position and patient preparation for transport outside the intensive care unit. Ventilator-associated pneumonia incidence highly depends on nurse compliance with the recommended preventive measures



How to Cite

Bostoen, C., Wemel, C., Delannoy, F., Pottiez, K., Kerkhove, F., Tremblay, S., Ponthieux, S., Dufresne, S., Plutôt, F., Couvillers, A., Drode, S., & Parmentier-Decrucq, E. (2013). Nurse’s role in the prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia. Médecine Intensive Réanimation, 22(3), 331–335.



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