Simulation in paediatric intensive care: Current situation and prospects


  • B. Ringuier Université d’Angers
  • N. Richard Hospices civils de Lyon
  • S. Leteurtre Université de Lille
  • T. Lehousse Université d’Angers
  • F. Leclerc Université de Lille
  • J. -C. Granry Université d’Angers



Food intake, Oral nutrition, Intensive care unit, Critically ill patient, Protocol-guided treatment, Healthcare quality


Training in paediatric resuscitation is a real challenge due to the increasing knowledge and skills, the relative scarcity of critical situations, and the decreasing presence of students nearby the patients. Simulation is a teaching method that can significantly improve training. It is also ethically necessary, especially to learn technical interventions. Simulation allows an efficient approach to investigate human factors, team behaviours, and communication with the child and his family, which are major concerns in paediatric intensive care. Simulation includes both initial training and continuing education and should be considered in the assessment of professionals. To date, building research networks on health simulation appears mandatory to improve practice and patient safety.



How to Cite

Ringuier, B., Richard, N., Leteurtre, S., Lehousse, T., Leclerc, F., & Granry, J. .-C. (2013). Simulation in paediatric intensive care: Current situation and prospects. Médecine Intensive Réanimation, 22(6), 562–568.



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